May 11, 2021

Carnival Engagement Session in Lubbock, Texas

Engagement Sessions


Ugh like seriously. Do you ever see a couple just walking around in their own little world and you're almost disgusted with how cute they are?

That definitely describes Genesis and Lorenzo.

These two met me on one of the last days of the Wright's Amusements Carnival that takes place in the South Plains Mall parking lot in Lubbock, Tx every year. Driving home from running errands one evening, a vibrant neon glow caught my eye. I'm not sure I remember seeing this here every year, but apparently it happens annually. Neon lights at night time are one of the things that make my heart skip a beat, know what I mean? Little things like this make my creative heart so happy and fill me up to the brim with good, glowy feelings. Kind of like on Jane The Virgin when people are falling in love and you see their hearts glow in their chest? (If you haven't seen Jane The Virgin, gosh. Go watch it. A modern day, cheesy, funny soap opera. The narrator and Rogelio are my favorites. Let's chat about this if you've seen it!) Anyyyyyways. Back to this disgustingly cute couple, Genesis & Lorenzo.

Lubbock Texas Carnival Engagement Session

Lubbock Texas Carnival Themed Engagement Shoot

This session was so much fun! They laughed and has a good time together the entire session.

You know those times when life throws everything at you at one time and you're like "Come on, can I please catch a break?!" That happened to me the evening of this session. I was all ready to meet this sweet couple for their session at 6:30 pm. I ran out the door with my camera bag in hand ready to tackle this carnival themed engagement shoot and pulled into the parking lot. I got a text from Genesis that their car ran out of gas on the loop (their fuel gauge doesn't work correctly at the moment) but no big deal because I left an hour and a half gap before my next session at 8pm and thankfully they had a friend on the way to bring them more gas. I pull into my spot at the mall when I realize OMG, I left the two outfits I had planned to style Genesis in inside my dryer! I sped back home to grab it and made it back into the parking lot before they got there and got in line to get our tickets for the Ferris Wheel. Once they located me in the parking lot, they walked over to my car to grab the outfits for the session and we started towards the Ferris Wheel. The one thing I wanted to capture most at this carnival session was them snuggling up on the Ferris Wheel, and I wanted to sit in the cart above them so I could shoot the scene from above. I was so excited for this and had this scene all planned out in my head. Guess what? The Ferris Wheel was not operating due to the 22mph wind. Thanks, West Texas. lol!

So you know what? We rolled with the punches. We walked around and instead, they played some ring toss games to try to win a giant stuffed animal. There were brighly colored stuffed animals nearly everywhere you looked here, which I was very excited about. If you know anything about my photography style, you know that it is very vibrant, bold and emotional. I love color to be in my images. It's my hallmark trait. If I can make color happen somehow in my session, I will do it. So the carnival was the perfect backdrop for my photography style, cute ferris wheel snuggly photos or not. We still managed to pull off some pretty epic ferris wheel shots without ever even getting on it, however.

Lubbock Texas Carnival Engagement Session

Lubbock Texas Engagement Session- Carnival engagement photo shoot

Lorenzo happens to be another local Lubbock, Texas photographer. He photographs cars. We had fun chatting about camera gear while Genesis changed outfits. 6:30 pm in the spring time in Texas is still pretty bright (thankfully! I get so tired of the gloomy, dark, winter days.) So I was able to take some in direct sunlight which so many photographers tend to shy away from, myself included. Now that I'm not so intimidated by it, I actually rather enjoy it as long as I can avoid those harsh shadows that we all hate, but we had just the right amount of harsh/direct light here to take some beautiful, colorful sun-drenched photos with that vibrant carnival tent in the background. Anyway- They were the sweetest couple and I was so happy to meet them and photograph them while the carnival was in town. Congratulations on your engagement, Genesis and Lorenzo! I wish you many years of happiness together.

Lubbock Texas Carnival Engagement Photo Shoot

Lubbock, Texas Carnvial Engagement Photo Shoot

P.s, Remember how I was talking about catching a break from life earlier? I made it to my 8pm session at 7:59pm on the dot, found my couple, started driving to my usual spot and guess what? 10 cop cars flashing red and blue were blocking the path I needed to go down. I went into full fledge panic mode in my vehicle trying to figure out how to get to the usual spots I would go to at this certain location with my couple following right behind me. After another 15 minutes of driving around, panicking because I scheduled their session with just enough time for 30 minutes before the sun sets, I found a LOVELY spot. It had everything. Canyon walls around a windy road, a lush green canopy of trees to one side and a lake view on the other where my couple was happy to watch the last remnants of the pink sun slowly shift into twilight where we ended their session with a romantic kiss in front of their car headlights. It was like the cover of La La Land. Life certainly threw me some curves this evening, but I sure am good at improvising when life gets in my way if anyone remembers how that Colorado Elopement (linked below) turned out amidst the blazing wild fires. I have to remember to never panic, because when these things happen, man do I get lucky with having the BEST most understanding, patient couples in the world. This couple went through all of this panic at the beginning of their session with me with 100% trust. They never worried I wouldn't be able to produce lovely images for them. And we spent the rest of that evening getting to know each other, laughing about everything and creating treasured memories. It's the best feeling in the world when someone trusts you completely like that, and I feel like the luckiest person on earth that I'm trusted with capturing so many wonderful people's precious memories, even when life gives me a few lemons along the way. Just so, so thankful. God is good, people are good, my job is so so good. Thank you all for trusting me with the best moments in your life!

